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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Come on Josh, check your fucking facts

I just looked and saw that Tom Waits is, in fact, only fifty six years old. I had mistakenly assumed that he was in his mid to late sixties, and, as such, likely to die of old age relatively soon. I apologize, Mister Waits, you mean the world to me. But, in all fairness, I can't begin to hypothesize the sheer volume of  drinking and smoking you've done in your lifetime, but you look like you could be a centuries-old wizard.

Seriously. I love that man to death, but look at that mug.

Now I've insulted Tom Waits. That is total bullshit Josh!  I'm sorry, Mister Waits. I'm going to go listen to Sixteen Shells from a Thirty-Ought-Six right now.  Please keep making records, I need them.

Hell you guys, he's younger than my dad.

six-teeenshellsfrum-athurteeougghtsix! cough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to TV On The Radio's new album, you put on my ipod, and I really like it. Come to TO with me and see them Thursday, you know you want to!