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Now with hidden text.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


The first significant wash of assignments and exams has arrived, and I'm courageously plucking away at a particularly troublesome english paper. It's a 1000 word snooze for contemporary lit, which I'm being a bit of a cock about because, as the record will show, I recently turned out 1400 words without even batting an eye. And I'm assuming my output on the matter of And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead will be identical to that of the treatment of women by poet Larkin and novelist Amis. Because, y'know, they're both interesting.

See if you can spot the holes in my assumptions.

I'm banishing myself from the blogosphere for my own good, until such time as the present rush is over with.  I need to treat my school work with a modicum more respect than I did last year, if I'm to pierce the covetted 80% average barrier.  Although, and the record will show this as well, I was just 2.5% shy of this last year without actually trying or paying attention.

Someday I'll herein recount the tale of the philosophy final and the Whole Bottle of Cointreau.

One thing before I go.  Am I the only one who harbours deep, nearly religious suspicions over their mp3 player's random-play feature?  WMP played +/-'s All I Do SO MUCH since I acquired that album that I deleted it minutes ago out of sheer alarm.  It was just unseemly for one song to come up so often amidst a library that exceeds nine thousand tracks.

+/-'s All I Have To Do Is Make You just came on.  
My computer is doing this on purpose and it is terrifying me.

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