The music and miscellanea blog that's actually necessary for your modern enlightened survival

Now with hidden text.

Friday, May 04, 2007

And then there was something like two

Joshwa, it seems, has grown weary of blogging solo and has thus made this space into a collective of sorts. Whether this is a good idea, or a bad idea... well, I'll try my hardest not to kill it - with uninspired music reviews or y'know, accidental annihilation.

Additionally, I'll attempt to quell desires for excessive self deprecation now, and in posts Of The Future. 'Cause you can only take that for so long until you really wonder if it IS that "inadequate of a review/blurb/whathaveyou" and I do sort of want some respect.

Hooray! A real, goddamn reason to write. Words will flow all comfy-like soon enough, I would hope.

I recently reset my darling page in light of the nagging demonic voices that told me my top charts were dated and frankly, dull as can be. That'd generally be the direction I'd point someone in if they were to want, for whatever reason, a glimpse of my musical pallette. Oh, man I could've made a witty Owen Pallett joke there... Not that the request-for-an-extensive-overview-of -listening-habits-complete-with-graphs ever happens, but damn, that would make us (yes, I speak for Josh now) really fucking giddy. Music geekery, hooray. But, I digress (hardly a rare occurence for me... editing will be an asset in the Future) and what I wanted to say was that it's currently in shambles but will grow into a beautiful flower representing all that I love and cherish.

Next time: content.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Hey Jess, nice blog, I got tired of LJ that's why I switched over, though maybe you're not heh.

I tried to use but it didn't work for me, I dunno if it works with winamp or what.